Law Firm Transition to MSP Case Study


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CASE STUDY – Transitioning from 3rd Party Break/Fix Support to LME Managed Services


Hansen and Cleary – Law Firm – MSP Transition Case Study


Hansen and Cleary, special education and mental health lawyers, had the goal of transitioning their IT Services and Tech Management away from break/fix hourly IT Support to Managed IT Services.

We helped H & C by keeping their budget in line with their current spending, upgrading their systems, and by removing risks and festering issues




Hansen and Cleary had piecemeal IT support where they would call when they had issues. 

Because of this IT delivery system, tech was neglected due to the associated cost of with asking for support.

Issues that had arrived because of hourly IT Support included:


  • Computers, Servers and Networking Devices that weren’t updated or monitoring for issues
  • Constant Phishing emails and network intrusion attempts were bombarding staff and increasing the inevitability that a breach would occur
  • Backups were not monitored or tested, so when a case requiring email communication was needed, the required emails could not be found
  • Important PC’s and Systems were not backed up and no system was in place to protect from Ransomware
  • Their Firewall was misconfigured by Comcast so constant internet issues created a routine disruption in workflow
  • Computers were bogged down with adware & malware while also having insufficient memory and old hard drives
  • Lack of Dual Monitors created a decrease in work efficiencies
  • Lack of remote access hampered staff 
  • Staff was unsure if they were allowed to contact IT support so they let issues fester




With a signed Managed Service Agreement in place, LME worked with H & C staff to formulate a schedule where LME staff could implement their new I.T. delivery system.

The MSP Transition went as follows:


  • LME purchased RMM agents to alert IT staff of pending issues to hardware/software/updates
  • Implemented centrally managed Anti-Virus and Ant-Ransomware solutions on all integral computers and servers
  • Purchased and set up cloud spam filtering solution EveryCloud and then made the appropriate hosted DNS changes to have email routed through smart host and greatly reduced spam and phishing issues
  • LME purchased and installed cloud backup for the servers and configured email alerts to notify the necessary staff of backup failures or downed servers
  • Configured alerting to notify relevant staff when the internet was down
  • Schedule a date when all remote staff would be in the area and installed RMM & AV tools and left a shortcut to the LME helpdesk page on their desktops
  • Educated Staff on new IT delivery system and made access to IT support seamless
  • Setup patching schedule with RMM tools to ensure devices remained up to date and set up alerts for devices that were out of date
  • Fixed outstanding network and server issues like Outlook credentials pop-ups and wireless issues so as to leave H & C in good working around and creating a standard where client now anticipates all I.T. functions to perform as expected
  • Setup Secured remote access, 2-FActor Authentication, data encryption and HIPAA compliance for PI related files
  • Upgraded PCs with memory and SSD Hard Drives and greatly increase computer speeds with minimal investment
  • Kept costs around the same yearly budget but with increase IT support




With the help of LME, Hansen and Cleary successfully migrated their IT delivery from a break/fix scenario where many aspects of their network were neglected to a scenario where all the integral aspects of their network were supported and covered for a reasonable monthly budget.



Managed IT Services
System Audits/Assessments
Design & Installation
Software Implementation
Custom Software Development
Remote Monitoring
24/7 Maintenance & Support
Cybersecurity Services
ISO Consulting
SOC Consulting
HIPAA Consulting
Systems Monitoring
Policy Development
Fraud Prevention
Data Protection
Hoffman Estates, Illinois
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