How to Get 200 Daily Visitors to Your Website

Joe Engelking

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How LME’s Website Got to 200 Daily Visitors and Yours Can Too


When I took over our website we had zero visitors.

It had our company name a picture of our restored 66′ Dodge Charger.

So one of my first points of action was to learn about SEO, get a basic understanding of WordPress design and figure out how to drum up some traffic as best I could.

What I figured out after a while (and which I will put you on the fast track) is that WordPress is user-friendly, there is a ton of opportunity in blogging and that in general, most companies do a crap ass job at SEO.

When you add that all up it means that there is plenty of opportunity for getting to the top of the search results.

So, here is a short and sweet “How-To” which outlines how you can do the same things I did and go from 0 visitors a day to 200 potential clients a day with just a little effort.

First things first…


Build the website


No duh, I know, except for the fact that your company website is probably old, not mobile-friendly and lacks any real thought or effort.

The fact that half of the websites you see are completely ignored means that there is an opportunity for yours.

It doesn’t take a lot to build a simple website, and if you want to take the time yourself, WordPress is a system that can be easily learned.

You can start with as little as 3 pages (HOME, SERVICES, ABOUT) pop in a couple of pictures and get started with an easy drag and drop builder.

You can also have someone create a simple site for you and then you can login and make changes.  It’s a great way to learn the system without having to start from scratch.

Once the website is up, DO STEP 2 RIGHT AWAY


Monitor your Traffic!!!

how we got to 200 daily visitors and you can to


Most people have no clue how much traffic they have, which is completely bonkers.

You build this website, spend all this time and effort to get it updated and then promptly ignore it.

This is such an epic failure.

Install Clicky and within 10 minutes you will be able to easily see how many visitors you’re getting, which pages they are going to, how they got there, how long they stayed and a ton of other vitally useful bits of information.

If you have a website, get the freaking analytics immediately and then…


Do some on-page SEO


SEO (or Search Engine Optimization) is the process of making your website friendly to Google and the other Search Engines.

Google simply wants to get a clear picture of your website’s purpose.

So basically, they want your website to have the same keywords that people are typing into Google.

Example: If someone types in “best dentist in Schaumburg”, then it would behoove you to have that sentence (used naturally) on your website – preferably on a page dedicated to that specific service.

Every page of your website needs to have a clear and concise point, not just for Google but also for your readers.

People will only find your website if Google can correctly identify what it is that your providing and by having a page called “Why we provide the best dental services in Schaumburg” is a clear indicator to Google (and everyone else) exactly what your web page is all about.

So start by identifying and properly writing your page titles, page names, headlines and content around 1 or 2 keywords per page.

If you want a free and easy tool to walk you through this and tell you exactly what you’re doing wrong, install YOAST and it will give you step by step instructions outlining what you are missing and how to fix it.

Once your website is properly setup…


Do Off-Page SEO


Off-Page SEO is when you start creating links to your website on OTHER PEOPLE’S WEBSITES.

All you have to do is submit your website and company info to directories like Yelp, Facebook, LinkedIn, Angie’s List and (very importantly) industry-specific online directories.

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Clutch was an online directory that I originally had no clue was sending us a ton of traffic


Because of Clicky I found that was a major IT directory that was giving us 10 prime visitors a week, once I saw this I made sure to spend more time upgrading our profile on that site and it’s paid off in more traffic and business which, had I not installed Clicky, I would’ve never known about.

Now, the most important of all the off-page SEO profiles is your Google business page.

Go here, and make sure that your profile is set up and has completely accurate information as it’s the first (and sometimes only) thing people will see.

Once your in those directories, fill them with positive reviews and your will immediately rise above your competition because most people do not even bother with these vital steps.

Once you are in these directories, make sure to keep them updated with content, specifically…


Write some Blog posts


One blog post a month is plenty and they can turn into GOLD!

I have 2 blogs posts that I had to clue were going to get any traffic yet they each of them get me nearly 300 visitors a week (see the image near the top of the page).

You never know what will stick or what the blog-o-sphere is looking for so just write as much as possible and let the internet figure out what is valuable.

Your blog posts can be about anything but try and focus on questions or issues that you think are not being properly answered or addressed by anyone else.

If you google something and don’t find an answer than you’ve found a blog topic.

Blogs increase your website’s relevance, provide proof to visitors that you know what you’re talking about and give you a ton of traffic which you can then be funneled to contact forms and newsletter sign-ups.


Through the simple process of putting up a basic website, cleaning up keywords, monitoring traffic, creating some blog posts and then linking to those posts I was able to go from 0 visitors to 1000 visitors a week and set myself as a thought leader in my industry.


2 thoughts on “How to Get 200 Daily Visitors to Your Website”

  1. Joe, Thanks! This has all the answers I needed, when starting a blog a couple years ago. Now to get my Silicon Valley grandson (who’s advising me) to help put your suggestions into practice.

    • You can do it yourself!

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